NOW OPEN! $17.95 First to Play tickets on sale for a limited time!
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1.5-hour play sessions for your family to build memories!

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Purchase LEGO sets in store during our new hours!

- 14 family attractions & activities
4D cinema, Kingdom Quest laser ride, Merlin’s Apprentice ... and more! - Discover the city in miniature
See Toronto's top attractions made from LEGO in our MINILAND® - Birthday parties & group deals
LEGO themed birthday parties here in Toronto! - 更改ip地址就可伍连外网了
Learn building tips from our Master Model Builder Workshops. - School trips
One-of-a-kind school trips to support the Ontario Curriculum.
- LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre is designed specifically for children aged 3-10 years to enjoy - everything is kid-sized
- Adults* must be accompanied by a child *(with the exception of Adult Night events)
They had a blast!!! They loved it all, from the rides, to the 4D movies, to racing their LEGO cars Trip Advisor
Very fun and entertainment centre for the LEGO fans!! Facebook Reviews
AMAZING! The amount of things to do is unbelievable, and it's enjoyable for kids and adults alike. Facebook Reviews
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